Maggie and Millie

Maggie and Millie were in an all-girl band called Love Buffet. They only played once that I ever heard of but the event was huge, and they weren't bad as I recall. They had dreams of making it big so they hit the highway for California just as soon as the band had played a show. Once in California they took dangerous drugs and wound up in rehab. Here endeth the lesson.

I knew Millie better than Maggie, since I'd had an art class with her. Millie is the one on the right, with the spiked hair and the braids. Maggie was a big but attractive redhead. This painting is how I remember them on the night of that show, standing in the hallway of the Will Rogers Theater, Millie with her thumb to her lip as usual, Maggie with her big breast up over the top of her crossed arms.

It was on the next weekend after that show that I moved to Kansas City, so I was actually living in Missouri at the time that I did this painting.


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