Steve and Doug

Steve and Doug ran the local punk record store at the time, Enormous Horsepower. Steve, the one with the hair, had one leg shorter than the other, so of course I exaggerated that. Doug always seemed to me to be coughing, although I'm sure that that's just some strange impression that I've got. There were lots of toys and other things sitting around in there, and most of the collage elements in this are from the store.

One thing that they had laying around in there was a stack of girlie cards, and when I found a similar deck I took a few select cards into the store and actually traded mine out for theirs while Steve wasn't looking. I used these in the painting, and that's a good example of how obsessive I was about including collage elements that were directly related to my subjects. Most other collage elements were cut from record albums and magazines that I'd bought in the store. There was one bit of collage that was from a card that I'd bought in a Catholic store. That provided an image of Jesus and a "God Bless You" that I placed behind Steve's head, as he's coughing. That was the more humorous element.

The left and right sides are done entirely in grays, with color only existing in a triangular form from top center to the bottom. That was my own take on the Classical Triangle composition.


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