
To some extent this is a curtain call of three figures that I had repeatedly used. I’ve referred to these three previously as Seth, Mary Magdalene, and Sophia.

The Christ on the cross is barely visible, but is the center of the action. The Seth figure, atop the cross, reveals the mystery with his lantern. The Mary Magdalene figure, recognizing the mystery, unmasks herself. Sophia, the feminine embodiment of the Wisdom of God, gives the wine, or blood, to the dead man, dispensing the new elixir of spiritual life.


Return to "Crucifixion."


(Paintings that feature the Seth character are "Cain, Abel, and Seth," "Conversion of Paul," "Crucifixion," and "Christ and the Adulterous Woman.")

(Paintings that feature the Mary Magdalene character are "Conversion," "The Thunder," "Crucifixion," and "Christ and the Adulterous Woman.")

(Paintings the feature the Sophia character are "The Thunder," "In The Beginning," "O Fortuna," "Crucifixion," and "(Cosmic) Surrender.")