Primordial Child


Ancient creation stories usually start with primordial water. (If you'll read the Genesis account closely you'll notice that there is no creation of water, and an implication that it is pre-existent. So even it starts with primordial water.) And so in Egypt they had this story about the primordial water. And out of this primordial water a blue lotus grew, and in the lotus sat the child god Nefertum. Or, Harpocrates (Horus the Child) may be depicted as sitting in the primordial lotus sucking on his finger. There are other parallels in Hindu mythologies. Anyway, it doesn't really matter to me whether or not anyone makes a connection with one myth or another, or if there's nothing here that seems particularly Egyptian, but those were the stories that got my mind turning in this general direction. It's the sort of thing that might pop up in any number of mythologies, the idea of a primordial child that was there at the beginning of it all.


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