the Seven Prophetesses

The Jews have counted seven prophetesses in their Bible. This is a depiction of them. I was largely inspired towards this from a desire to do another multi-figure composition. Again, as in other group compositions, the figures are crowded together in the center, surrounded by background.

Hannah was the mother of the prophet Samuel, and is shown to the left holding a baby. Near her is Huldah, who is pointing at a Bible, making an admonition to heed the scriptures. Abigail is on the donkey, taking provisions to David and his men. Sarah, the wife of Abraham, is the laughing old woman with the baby, since she laughed when she was told that she would have a baby at her age, which came to pass. Deborah, being one of the judges of Israel, holds the scales of justice and sings her victory song. Miriam, the sister of Moses, dances. The young queen is Esther, who defended the Jews from certain Persian dictates.


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